The Izon Egberi Organisation(IEO), a “Think Tank” of Ijaw professionals worldwide, seeks to join all Ijaws and well-meaning organisations in Nigeria and around the world, to congratulate the newly sworn in President of the Ijaw National Congress (INC) Prof. Benjamin Ogele Okaba, and all members of the National Executive Council on their electoral successes, to seek to serve our beloved nation beginning May 14, 2021, which will go down in history as a truly inspiring inauguration day for the Ijaw Nation.

It is with pride that we salute the NEC for your persistence and determination to want to serve the Ijaw Nation and its’ people in these most trying times in the history of our nation, that is grappling with the uncertainty of a country facing unseen before challenges and possible disintegration. The task ahead of you calls for courage, focus, sincerity of purpose and three times the doggedness that saw all members of this council emerge as the elected servant-leaders of the Ijaw Nation.

We wish also to use this opportunity to commend members of the Electoral Committee – ably steered by the Chairman, Prof. Alabo Dagogo Fubara, for rising in honour, professionalism, and duty, to deliver an election that has received widespread commendation for its well structured form and peaceful conduct, culminating in a credible election outcome – a feat uncommon in the history of such processes since the formation of the INC in 1991 by our foresighted founding Fathers.

We also would like to express our deepest appreciation to the Committee of Ijaw Traditional Rulers and Elders (CITRE) for their Fatherly guidance and wisdom that helped oversee the entire process to its fruitful conclusion. Commendations must also go to the Bayelsa State Government under the leadership of Senator Douye Diri, the Governor of Bayelsa State, who gave his word that his government will not attempt to influence or interfere in the election process in any way, shape, or form, and duly kept to his words -thereby, enabling one of the fairest and most acceptable INC elections since the inception of the INC.

Mr. President, together with your patriotic Executive Council, we are sure you need no re-iteration of the onerous challenges facing the Ijaw Nation now, just as we are sure these challenges are the reasons why this election and your historic victory were as keenly followed and the reasons why the Ijaw Nation chose you to lead us back on the right path to self determination and development.

Given these critical challenges for which you have been elected to address, we call for work to commence immediately – as time equals survival in this time of our history as a people; and as we fully understand that no leadership team succeeds without the full participation and active support of the people. We, the Izon Egberi Organization, a Think-Tank devoted to providing solutions to enhance the growth and development of the Ijaw Nation, assure you and your team of our fullest support. All you need do is to call on us and all other productive Ijaw organizations both home and abroad for our partnership and support, so we can all work towards making the Ijaw Nation the great success story that we know we can achieve and deserve.

Once again Mr. President, congratulations to you and your executive council, as we wish you success in your endeavours to liberate the Ijaw Nation from the shackles of degradation and backwardness.
Aahhhh Izon!


Rowland Ekperi

Dr. Ebiakpo Kakandar


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