Who are These Unknown Gun Men (UGM) Terrorizing and Destroying the Igbo Nation?

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The Igbo National Council (INC) worldwide is deeply worried on the state of terrorism and insecurity in the Igbo Nation States, the South-West and North Central Regions of Nigeria. The trend and escalation of terrorism, banditry and wanton killings in the Igbo Nation States in the recent times calls for thorough forensic audit of the insecurity in these regions and urgent overhaul of the nation’s security architecture in these regions.

We will recall that a few months ago, the United States Intelligence Agency published a statement informing the Southern Nigerian Governments and people that large number of trained fighters of Islamic State of West Africa Province (ISWAP), Islamic State (ISIS), Pan-Islamic Militant Organization (Al-Quaeda) and Boko Haram, have moved into many states in Southern Nigeria with the intention to carry out coordinated deadly terrorist attacks on government facilities, public places, business places, worship places and also, to randomly kill security agents and civilians in order, to cause panic and a state of chaos in these regions so that the Federal Government of Nigeria would capitalize on these uncontrollable state of insecurity, to pound the region with Federal Government forces in disguise of hunting for the Unknown Gun Men or the IPOB or ESN militants.


We are aware of the programs of forceful conquest of the lands of the aboriginal Nigerian people by the International Fulani Expansionist Movement in Africa. It may baffle many critical thinkers why the Nigerian Joint Security Operatives has not proven its gallant capacity to confront this evil gang of Unknown Gun Men (UGM) during their operations or in the period of their attacks on the streets of the Igbo Nation States and brought the perpetrators to book with clear identity of who they are so Nigerians can be sure who this evil gangs of Unknown Gun Men (UGM) are and for what interests they are killing Nigerians.

Rather, what we have noticed is that after the attacks by the Unknown Gun Men, the Nigerian Security Operatives will move to the scene of the attack and begin to molest people, arbitrarily arrest and shoot civilians that may have known nothing about the attack. It has been alleged that many of the people arrested are still languishing in many detention centers across Nigeria, many were seriously tortured while many also can no longer be accounted for.

This wicked act has made it very difficult for Nigerians to cooperate with Security agents and pass intelligence to them once they notice suspicious movement in their neighborhoods.

On the foregoing, we call on the governors of the Igbo Nation States, South-West Region and the North Central Region to declare a state of emergency on terrorism and insecurity that is ravaging the Nigeria State. These State Governors should deploy the use of Local Traditional Vigilante Outfits to combat these terrorists, bandits, kidnappers and all criminal elements terrorizing the people so as to return peace in our states. It is evidently clear that many Nigerians have lost confidence to entrust their safety in the hands of the Federal Government Forces.

*On the Suspension of the Supplies of Onions to South East Region:

We received with gladness the recent media statement credited to the leadership of the Onion Producers Marketers Association of Nigerian (OPMAN) – Halilu Muhammed, ordering the suspension of supplies of onions to South East Region citing the growing state of insecurity in the region.

The Igbo National Council (INC) thanked the OPMAN leadership for taking this bold decision at this critical time in the live of Nigeria. INC hereby unilaterally support the decision and therefore call on other Northern Nigeria food vendors to take similar decision as that will compel the Igbo Nation to look inward and start investments in Agro-economic value chain products as part of INC program to re-invent the spirit of the Igbo Nation for self-sustenance and self-preservation. We are very tired of depending for food supply from Northern Nigeria Region. We must start to explore our nature-given resources that abound in our territory.


Chilos Godsent

National President, INC,

4th June 2021.

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