Obstacle to Female Advancement Identified

Participants in a group photo after the training

Men have identified nagging by women as one of the factors militating against gender equity. At a training organized on Gender Inclusion with community leaders in Cross Rivers State July 22, 2021, many of the men stressed that the unending complaints of women in the household affects negatively, attitude towards calls for greater involvement of women in decision making at all levels.

According to them, nagging discomforts and makes consideration of women for engagement in critical positions difficult.

Executive direction of Kebetkache Women Resource and Development Centre, Obonganwan Ekem Okon had asked   participants to queue according to their thinking on women’s agitation for equality.

The queue for those who consider the agitation high tempo which, complained bitterly against the nagging, had about two thirds of the participants.

They said the job of keeping up with the demands of women was tough also. Emem Okon ten used that to underscore the importance of gender inclusiveness noting, that men taking up all the decision making roles places them on a path that does not promote fast and sustainable development in addition to the heavy burden it entails.

Chief Constance Meju makes a point on dangers of gender exclusion

The male participants also complained that women are not doing enough to show readiness for decision making positions.

The Kebetkache ED told the participants that gender inclusion demands that both sexes work together to build society and called for a change in governance structure approaches in community and public leadership.

She called for a review of policies by government to create space for gender inclusion and diversity in public service engagement as the presence of women has unique contributions that can uplift society.

She expressed gratitude to Oxfam Nigeria for funding the programme which is under its Partnership for Development program and stressed that the mandate is, “to empower women and sensitize the public to encourage women to be seen and heard”.

Participants were in agreement that there is need for attitudinal shift towards the inclusion of women in decision making, girl child education, equal conferment of privileges and, protection of rights. They promised to act to effect necessary change.

They also called for confidence building trainings for women to build their capacity for decision making positions as well as continued public enlightenment especially in the rural area on the advantages of bringing women on board governance.

The participants were community leaders from different parts of Cross Rivers and Akwa Ibom states including, community development committee members, local government councilors, women and youth leaders and were grateful to Oxfam for bringing the project to their zone.


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